Winfield Reservoir Break June 6, 1916
A million gallon reservoir on the hill above the soccer field burst on 6 June 1916, sending the water down on the campus. No one was hurt but the water did extensive damage to the buildings and contents, as well as the car in the picture below.
Winfield Reservoir Break June 6, 1916 Reservoir contains surplus water storage for city use. After collapse was rebuilt and used until a steel tower and tank was erected after the city water supply was obtained from the city lake instead of the Walnut river on West 14th Ave at the city electric generation plant.

Winfield Reservoir Break 1916

Winfield Reservoir Break 6-16-1916

After Municipal Reservoir burst June 6,1916

Winfield Reservoir Break 1916

Winfield Reservoir Break June 6, 1916 Photo By Smith & Hutto

Reservoir broke 6-16-1916, can see observatory

June 6, 1916 Looking up towards reservoir.

Winfield Reservoir Break June 6, 1916

Winfield Reservoir Break, Damage from reservoir breaking 6-16-1916

Winfield Reservoir Break East of college (6th & 9th) June 6,1916

Winfield Reservoir Break 1916

Winfield Reservoir Break 1916

Winfield Reservoir Break 1916

Winfield Reservoir Break 1916

Car owned by Mr Barthel employee of St John's.

Winfield Reservoir Break June 6, 1916 Debris on College Ave.

Winfield Reservoir Break June 6, 1916

Winfield Reservoir Break 1916

Winfield Reservoir Break 1916

St. John's Campus after Municipal Reservoir burst June 6,1916

Winfield Reservoir Break 1916

Pumping water out of basement of Baden Hall.
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