Winfield Kansas 1923 FLOOD

Ticket office from north fair ground entrance.

Santa Fe Railroad Depot West 14th St.

Santa Fe Railroad Depot West 14th St.

200 & 300 Blocks of E. 9th Ave.

First Baptist Church on the corner of 11th & Millington.

900 block Millington Street.

House on left is 422 W 9th.

Santa Fe Railroad Depot West 14th St.

Santa Fe Railroad Depot West 14th St.

West side of the 500 & 400 blocks of Main street, Frisco Depot in Center.

North end of Main Street 500 & 400 blocks. Far left side Frisco
Depot 401 Main, right side Walnut Valley Fruit co.
512 Main, &
Winfield Wholesale Grocery co. 520 Main.

Highland Cemetery Mousoleum

Winfield Flour Mills

Millington St.

2nd block on E. 9th ave.

Post Office NE corner of 10th & Millington.

Building being built is on the SE corner of 6th & Main St.

Stuber Bros 9th and Millington.

Post Office 920 Millington St.

Santa Fe Railroad Depot West 14th St.

Looking East on 9th Street.

Fair grouds bill boards

Looking Southwest from North side of 9th Ave. across fairgrounds. Santa Fe Railroad tracks lower left.

East 9th Ave from Millington.

June 10 1923 E. 9th Ave. Looking East From Thompson Block.

Baden Mill

June 10, 1923 S. Church St. Post Office and Methodist Church.

Cowley County Courthouse 301 E 9th, Collinson Buick Co. 217 E 9th.

The Cowley County Courthouse in Background 301 E 9th, Winfield
Natural Gas Co. 221 E 9th, Collison Buick Company 217 E. 9th,
Winfield Cycle Co. 215 E 9th, June 1923.

Billingsly Fruit Bldg., & Winfield Wholesale Grocery, buildings on
the SE corner of 6th & Main St.
L to R: Walnut Valley Fruit co. 512 Main, Winfield Wholesale Grocery
co. 520 Main, Griffith & Son Produce Co. 600 Main

Swartz Lumber co. on West 9th Ave, Looking west.

Winfield High School.

Looking East on 9th Ave. from Millington Street Intersection.

North Main St. Winfield Wholesale Grocery Co., 520 Main, Harding
Cream Co., 521 Main.

Fair grounds flood waters. From Thelma Brantley's Scrapbook.

Fair grounds flood waters. From Thelma Brantley's Scrapbook.

waters west of Winfield. From Thelma Brantley's Scrapbook.

Looking west towards fair grounds north of highway 160 From Thelma
Brantley's Scrapbook.

South Santa Fe Railroad Station.

Looking out east ninth street Lagonda Hotel.

North Main.

221 W. 9th.

D.R. Hankins, House on right 221 E. 11th Ave.

East 8th Ave. You can see the crossing sign at the Rail road Tracks.

Taken from Falls, that is Swanson in front of house.

Taken from "Falls Ferno" House.

Looking east on 9th Ave. from Millington Street Intersection.

First Methodist Church 10th & Millington.

Cowley County Courthouse looking Southwest from 9th Loomis.
Post Office 10th & Millington Winfield Ks.

Looking North on Main street from 200 feet South of 6th Ave.

Old Cowley County Courthouse.

Looking East on 9th.
9th Street.
E. 9th Ave. 6-10-1923 Winfield.
L to R: Lagonda Hotel 220 E. 9th, The Hackney Building 302 1/2 E. 9th
Hughes-Elwell Motor Co. 304 E. 9th,
Central Commerical College 304 1/2 E. 9th, Winfield Fruit co. 308 E. 9th..

Santa Fe Railroad Depot West 14th St.
9th & Millington.

Looking East on Sixth St. from Main st.

S.W. Corner 8th & Millington.

Santa Fe Railroad Depot West 14th St.
500 Block Main St. East Side.

Santa Fe Railroad Depot West 14th St.

Santa Fe Railroad Depot West 14th St.

6th & Main.
E. 9th Ave.
Fire Dept. E. 9th.

North Main St.

10th & Bliss looking west.

Winfield Wholesale Groc.
Barn West of Santa Fe Depot.
East 10th St.

West 9th & Fair Grounds.

Looking East, E 9th.

Winfield Wholesale Grocers.
High School E. 9th St.

Looking North on Main St. N. Depot.
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